soukhya_admin – Soukhya Wellness

Welcome to New Age Parenting

#Awarenesspost#Socialmedia#Welcomeonboard Recently seen a young girl brought to my clinic for checkup .She was brought by mother for a THROUGH Checkup.Mother suspected that the daughter had Sexual Intercourse (with consent) or was molested by a friend.On detailed history and examination, her apparent “Friend” was an equally Young boy whom she got to know over “Instagram” […]

Hand Sanitizer

We all know that this product is widely used nowadays especially on the backdrop of Swine Flu and other viral infections ,more common in rainy season. Sanitizers mostly contain alcohol (ethyl alcohol) or antibiotics such as Triclosan. However they need to be used judiciously. Recent study’s show that bacteria develop resistance to these sanitizers.Also they […]


Facts you all should know. Vaginal problems are very common and a little awareness can enable women to take care of this delicate region of their body. Vaginal infections are the most irritable and hurtful and lack of education on the same makes it difficult to prevent them; from burning and itching to unpleasant odour, […]

#TheVaginalMonolouges:. “Use it or lose it”

#Gyaniguruwar#TheVaginalMonolouges:. “Use it or lose it”#LackOfSex ..……Makes Your Vagina Depressed😞 We all know that a Healthy Sex Life keeps our immune system humming, lessens pain and relieves stress. It makes for a happier life. But what happens when we #donthavesex? Well, according to recent studies, we can become depressed – if we don’t have sex […]

Update your knowledge..#CONTRACEPTION

A topic close to everybody’s heart…. And…. Genitals😉 Before one gets “seasoned”😉 and gets used to a particular contraceptive, especially “Newbies” find it difficult to make a choice amongst the various contraceptives displayed on the shelf. The reason behind writing this is helping the “Newbies” make a better choice and helping the “Seasoned” understand their […]

#Coexistance and #Communication

#Coexistance and #Communication Part 2#Speech and #Actions In my last write up on this subject, we had seen 4 possibilities about Coexistence and Communication – telling us how it should be. Coming to think of it, this is a very easy method for assessing any situation. This is called 2 dimensional analysis model. Wherein, we […]

Atopic close to everybody’s heart..

Atopic close to everybody’s heart…MID LIFE SEX. I often come across women who come to my clinic with various complaints related to their periods or gynaecology issues.On deeper probing these are few of their commonest complaints. 1.I rarely feel in the mood to have Sex lately.2. I don’t have any spontaneous desire.3.Nothing seems to excite […]


#GyaniGuruwar#AwarenessPost Doctor … She’s my friend “Mrs. X” ….wanted to show her reports to you. Basically, we need 2nd opinion. Me… Please have a seat…. Please tell me what the exact problem is… I’ll see the reports after that. Mrs. X.(age 50). :Nothing much madam… I’m bleeding on and off. Not much – but little […]

A common scene in a Gynaecologist cabin

A lady with a few anxious relatives comes to the Opd with a Sonography report. The report mentions a tumour in the Uterus (fibroid). Now any tumour in the body always give rise to a chain of reactions.The anxiety and fear is about the possibility of malignancy or the dreaded ‘C’ word or CANCER which […]

Uterine Fibriods

Fibroids of the Uterus are one of the most common tumours occurring in women of reproductive age .They usually cause heavy and painful periods which can cause a drop in haemoglobin and it’s after effects.I see quite a few patients in my clinical practice who have been advised to go for surgical treatment to remove […]