Update your knowledge..#CONTRACEPTION – Soukhya Wellness

Update your knowledge..#CONTRACEPTION

A topic close to everybody’s heart…. And…. Genitals😉

Before one gets “seasoned”😉 and gets used to a particular contraceptive, especially “Newbies” find it difficult to make a choice amongst the various contraceptives displayed on the shelf.

The reason behind writing this is helping the “Newbies” make a better choice and helping the “Seasoned” understand their methods better.

Well… To begin with, a “good” contraceptive “must” be

1. #Safe
Safe has two meanings.
A. With minimum side effects
B. #Minimumfailure rate… i.e. to avoid “mistakes” in the dark.

2. #Easily Available
It’s a very natural and beautiful act to make love. And it should not be hindered due to unavailability of “resources”.
So make sure that your “method” is available in the shop round the corner.

3. #cheaprate
You’re smart enough to understand that by Cheap, I mean price – and not quality.

4. #Notinterfere with the sexual act.
Imagine something – itchy -scratchy-pinchy. You certainly don’t want to hear “ouch” . So avoid, if it doesn’t suit you.

Now little on a serious note, let’s look at the types.

1. #OralContraceptive Pills/ OCPs
This is the most common method used by women all over the world. However there are lots of myths and misconceptions.
Let me clear them for you…
There are various low dose pills available today. Their main advantage is, ‘Regular pain free cycles’ with ‘minimum failure rate’ . They also give clear skin and are reversible in action.
Disadvantage – No protection from STDs and HIV.

2. #CopperT/LNG-IUS(#Mirena).
What’s the Property of Copper T?
Well… These are devices which fit inside the uterus. (Ahem.. The doctor fits them)
Mainly used for spacing in between 2 children, or for long term use.(5-10 years).
This is a fairly well tolerated and reliable method of Contraception.
But again – no protection from STDs and HIV

3. #Hormonalinjectons.
In this Injections of hormones are given over regular intervals. The failure rate is 0.
These are widely used by Govt. of India on the Indo-Nepal border.
Disadvantage – Same as above points

Not very easily available.
Difficult to use.
But …. Good protection against STDs and HIV.

4A. #MaleCondoms
Use it if you and your partner are okay with no “skin to skin” touch.
Good protection against STDs and HIV.
If someone has doubts about durability,it reminds me of a joke.
Apply some chilly powder between 2 condoms before use.If the outer one breaks he screams.
It the inner one breaks she will scream 😀😀

5. #Tubectomy/Sterilization Operation.
Important Note-
“i-pill” OR the “Morning after Pill” is NOT a contraceptive for regular use.
*It is to be used only in an Emergency.*
Remember,every Woman’s health and body type is different. There is NO ideal Contraceptive available (except Abstinence😉)
Talk to your Doctor and make an informed choice.



“Better Safe Than Worry” (punch line from the movie Zhankar Beats)
Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies.

Dr Shalaka Shimpi
M.D. Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.